Sacre bleu, idees pour l'argent! No matter where you go, there you are.
One day we get a call from Paris. Paris, France, NOT Paris, Texas. Zoot alors! Marc is sitting there in bathing suit and flip-flops. Can we work on the identity, identity manual, publication design and marketing materials for an international software company that wants to be the Robin Hood of technology? Sure. Right up our allez. So we put a human face on a global software company, creating an identity that is not about a logo, but about sharing ideas. We built a library of idea images - photographs as metaphor and line-art as information, - to present a kinetic, malleable identity that can cross boundries and cultures toot sweet. It is, how you say, tres bon.
Working with Marc English Design been key in our worldwide expansion. With their passionate and professional work we have been able to deliver a consistent visual image in all the countries we cover. With tradeshows in Europe, Canada, Australia and the U.S., our corporate identity has been essential to establish a strong brand and presence with our customers. As of today, we use Marc English Design's output on a daily basis: from our office design to our web site, including recent multimedia promotional tools.
Guillaume Deudon
Vice President Worldwide Marketing
Sharing Technologies, Inc.